Philippine Scouts Heritage Society
Reunion Campaigns


Create posters, flyers, tickets, name tags, souvenir program covers, and social posts that capture the theme and/or location of the PSHS annual reunion.

31st Reunion: WE REMEMBER THEM

The poem “We Remember Them” by Sylvan Kamens & Rabbi Jack Riemer inspired the theme of the 2015 reunion. The children of these soldiers remember them in full color. Some can pinpoint the exact day their father left home to go to war. We of the younger generation only see them in black and white⏤in photos from an era long gone. Let’s remember them as they were by coloring in those black and white images and pairing them with each unit’s motto (Written and colored by yours truly). The Facebook posts came with a little history about each photo and a CTA to register for the reunion.



In 2016, Congress awarded the Filipino Veterans of WWII the Congressional Gold Medal⏤the highest civilian honor that Congress can bestow. In 2018, I helped organize the Chicago and San Antonio awarding ceremonies. PSHS and the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project asked me to create invitations, certificates, Facebook posts, collateral, and more. The Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in San Antonio drew about 250 people and was covered by a number of local and international media outlets. I accepted, on behalf of my grandfather, his Congressional Gold Medal for his service during WWII.


Posters and Souvenir Program Covers over the years

Written and designed by Sean Conejos